NWA Novice. It's a fairly accurate description of me. I can get myself from Bentonville's 21C to the University of Arkansas campus in Fayetteville, but I can't tell someone the best (or even a good) coffeehouse in Rogers...or Bentonville...or in all of NWA, for that matter. My parents wanted to gift David and me a night out for Valentine's Day, but when asked where we liked to eat dinner I couldn't even squeak out the name of a chain restaurant; if I could, it wouldn't have been much better considering "Red Robin" is the only restaurant chain that comes to mind in NWA because of the gluten-free offerings, but it's not exactly romantic dinner material. I need to up my familiarity with my surroundings if I'm to convince anyone or, more importantly, convince myself that I live in the area now.
So, I'm going to go out and get lost. Really. It's the best way to actually learn your way around and the method works particularly well in helping you to find place with which you fall in love. I can't wait to fall in love with all new breakfast spots, vintage stores, art galleries, bookshops, tiny boutiques, local music, etc. Bring it on, NWA. I'm ready to gather some friends paint you red.
Next post, I'm continuing the LBD 'miniseries,' with pondering/creating the perfect arsenal of little black dresses. Maybe I'll find a friend or two to talk LBDs with me! Plus, March means the start of NWA Fashion Week. I know...we have one! Not the same as DC, but definitely worth the adventure into the fashions and fashionistas of NWA. To see the full schedule of NWAFW events, check out http://www.nwafw.com/.
For now, here are some of my favorite things about my old 'hometown,' DC (and more specifically, Adams Morgan). It'll always be at the top of my most loved hometowns list, and these are a few reasons why:
My 1920s rowhouse with my lovely roommate Elizabeth. We could walk to so many of my favorite places in mere minutes from our door, and still miss being in a city where that's possible. |
Adams Morgan has a great festival called, creatively, 'Adams Morgan Day.' Just two blocks from our old home, vendors line the streets selling handmade jewelry, paintings, adorable clothing, knick-knacks, ceramics, anything you can think of. Food, ranging from healthy to 'funnel cake' category' and from varying countries all over the world (and actually being made by someone who has lived in the country of origin), is cooked and served fresh. Live music performances that would make an ethnomusicologist shriek with joy. Local businesses stay open later and offer great deals. Performances happen all day, all weekend, by all different types of talented people, some some performers literally dancing in the streets. Crowds of people turn out to fill the neighborhood with DC locals and not tourist groups. One of the best parts of the fest: after taking in a long day of fun, I could walk back to my house and arrive in less than five minutes. Perfect. |
The Newseum - no, it's not a museum that hangs framed newspapers. Of all the major museums in the District, this one rotates in and out of my #1 spot and is always a favorite to show to out of town guests. Most of the tourists coming to DC think Smithsonian when planning their dose of culture for their trips and who could blame them? It's the name and collection that has become synonymous with the phrase 'DC museum' and, technically, it IS the US national collection (it includes more items, buildings and acreage than anything you can fathom). However, if I had to choose just ONE cultural institution membership in DC, I would choose the Newseum...and I have art degrees! This museum is one that I absolutely love spending time in and am always down for visiting with anyone, any day. From a portion of the Berlin wall to the late great Tim Russert's desk at 'Meet the Press,' from 'Anchorman' the Exhiibit (yes, the FILM 'Anchorman!') to the 'Unabomber's' cabin - this museum doesn't just tell a history of newsmaking and reporting...it houses it! Inside are collected and curated items straight out of the headlines, and it's the perfectly crafted theme for a museum because just like the news, the items on display are always changing. That reinvention is what puts it at the top my cultural institution rankings and why it quickly earned a spot on my DC favorite places list. The view from the patio (above) sure doesn't hurt, either! |
About 3/4 of a mile walk from my front door was an amazing upscale
chocolate shop that imported chocolates from all over the world. You
could walk there on a beautiful Saturday with a friend, create a mixed
box of say, five pieces, that includes anything from dark rum chocolate
screen printed with skulls like above to chocolate flavored with tobacco
or bacon (yes, they're both actually delicious), share your box with a
friend on the way back home and you would have a) taken in a scrumptious
custom dessert, b) enjoyed a lovely walk outdoors and an always
hilariously fun time checking out the world of upscale chocolate designs
and chocolate combos and c) both eaten and worked off your dessert by
the time you arrived home. A decadent and harmless treat, at least one
visit to this chocolate shop was on my 'must' list for any out of town
guest we entertained. |
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